Beginner’s Guide To Pool Draining
If you’re planning to drain your pool this season, you’ll want to be sure that you do it properly. It’s a process that can lead to significant damage if done incorrectly.
Safety First
When you drain a pool, it’s important to make sure everyone is safe. That’s because a main drain can cause suction that can pull swimmers into the water and entrap them. This can be dangerous, especially for kids. It’s a good idea to keep kids away from the water while you’re draining your pool, and teach them how to avoid drain entrapments. Until recently, there were a number of incidents where children died from being stuck in drains or entrapped by the drain’s suction. These accidents led to new legislation and changes in design and construction of main drains. These new regulations require all public pools and spas to have VGB compliant drain covers. They also mandate that all new and existing public pools have at least one of these safety features: dual main drains, a safety vacuum release system, or a suction limiting system.
Getting Started
The process requires careful attention to detail, especially if you have an inground pool. There are several things you should know before you start the job. First of all, check with your local water authority to ensure you have the right water disposal options. Some municipalities have strict guidelines about when you can drain your pool, and some don’t allow it at all. You’ll also need to make sure the water is clean and has the proper chemical levels. These should be chlorine neutral and pH balanced. It’s also a good idea to check with your pool’s manufacturer about any specific draining instructions. Some models use an electric pump, while others require a hose.
Reasons To Drain The Pool
Your pool is not meant to be empty, and it’s a good idea to drain it only when absolutely necessary. One of the most common reasons people drain their pools is because it’s time to make repairs or resurfacing. But there are also times when pool water needs to be drained for other reasons, such as because of a buildup of total dissolved solids (TDS). TDS can interfere with the proper chemical balance and cause the need for more chemicals. Other problems that require draining include stubborn stains or calcium buildups that cannot be removed by traditional methods. Then, once you have determined that it’s time to drain your pool, just make sure it’s in good condition and safe for the workers to enter. Happy draining!