Author Archives: admin

How to Choose a Swimming Pool Design

How to Choose a Swimming Pool Design If you are looking to install a pool, you may be asking yourself or a professional how to choose the right custom pool design for your outdoor space. There are many different pool shapes, sizes and designs, and not everyone will work in every yard. As such, there […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Hot Tub Maintenance

A Beginner’s Guide to Hot Tub Maintenance If you are asking yourself, "How do I care for my hot tub?" you are in for a little surprise. Even though you may think it is a lot of work, once you get used to it and are familiar with what to do, you will be a […]

Automatic Pool Cleaner Pros and Cons

One of the best water features you can put in your home’s yard is a swimming pool. It is an amazing addition to any landscaping that also offers comfort, especially on warm days. But pool ownership comes with a few responsibilities, such as pool cleaning, understanding the chemicals, and products to buy for cleaning. When […]

How to Winterize a Garden Pond

There are some people who have small decorative ponds in their garden, and if you live in an area where there is a possibility of freezing at all over the course of the winter, it’s important for you to properly winterize the pond to avoid damaging it and killing any plant and animal life that […]

Escape the Winter Chill with a Heated Pool

Many people in Arizona—and particularly in southern Arizona—have pools on their property. But given how warm it stays in Arizona most of the year, is it really necessary to heat the pool? If you plan to use your pool all year round, then yes, you’re going to want to make the investment in heating equipment […]